Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry

One of the things I ask God for on a regular basis is that He will speak to my life through a reading of the Scriptures, sermons, podcasts, and other reading. Yesterday He spoke to me in a rather profound way.

John Ortberg, pastor of the Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, is one of my favorire preachers. I enjoy listening to his podcasts. As I listened to one of his recent messages he told the story of the time he went to famed Christian philosopher Dallas Willard and asked, "What must I do to enjoy a healthy spirituality?" And Dr. Willard simply said, "You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life." He went on to distinguish between external business and an inner state of hurry."

That was the encouragement I needed to slow down and enjoy the easy cadence of a daily walk with Jesus.

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