Friday, June 4, 2010

The Poet's Gift

Last Sabbath Ruth Welker put special effort into being at church. It was great to see her. Before going home she slipped a gift into my hands -- a book of her poetry. Now I am not a huge fan of poetry, and yet I am reading one of Ruth's poem each day and am blessed by her gift. Ruth has a profound love for God, a colorful perspective of nature, and a lyrical way with words. This morning's poem was especially encouraging:

O for a lonely little spot
To sit alone and rest~,
To let your thoughts just wander by
And feel that you are blessed!

To see the beauty all around,
The grass its deepest green,
The leaves that shimmer in the sun,
Displaying silver gleam.

The little country road is laced
With brushes all around:
They slightly quiver in the breeze
And listen to its sound.

The sunlit sea of drifting clouds~
Like a majestic band~
In faithfulness pursue their course,
Held by eternal hand.

O for a lonely little spot
To sit alone and rest~,
To feel your heart from burdens freed
And know that you are blessed.

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